WVHS collaborates on Once Upon a Child project


WVHS collaborates on Once Upon a Child project

June 9, 2023

Warwick Valley High School held its 2023 Once Upon A Child symposium this week where nine original children’s stories were revealed.


Once Upon a Child is a collaborative effort between the English, Art and Career and Technical Education departments. Students from Danielle Debella’s Creative Writing classes write an original children’s story. Artists in Kristen Spano’s Drawing and Painting and Portfolio classes illustrate the story and produce a book. And, students in Daniel Cecconie’s Video Production classes make a narrated video of the children’s story.

To view the video, visit the District’s “Warwick Valley Television” YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkrGr3MoBL8

Their creations and their artists:




Vocal  Actor


Emmett The Elephant

Isabelle Flores

Sara Venter

Abigail Joan Dunn

JoJo Galgliano


Gavin McCarthy

Nina LaVorne

Jazleen Alagh

Astrid Kelly

Hairy Bear Barry

Dylan Orlando

Natalia Ksiazek

Sofia Ayupov

Logan McKay

Missing Opie

Summer Tyler

Adella Kurosz

Emily Buliung

Liam Kevins

Sundown and Snowflakes

Claudia Harris

Claudia Harris

Kristen Spano

Lav Massa

Whitney the Worrier

Molly Lincoln

Meghan Broking

Priscilla Gaspari

Sean Tilton

Thiago in the Treee

Jazleen Alagh

Sam Paul, Brianna Marchena

Ellie Ambers

Jazleen Alagh

Everybody Is Human

Lulu Chisholm

Lalita Krishnamoorthy

Meghan Broking

Brooke Holzhauer

No Matter What

Sariyah Fuentes

Sofia Ayupov

Liam Kevins

Jasira Gay


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