Sanfordville 9/11 memorial has new homepage on district website


Sanfordville 9/11 memorial has new homepage on district website

July 7, 2021

The Circle of Peace/Peace Wall Memorial, which was dedicated in June 2003 in remembrance of all who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, has an all-new homepage on the District website.

Created as “an expression of children’s hopes for a more peaceful and just world,” the memorial grew from the idea to provide the District’s youth with a means to express their hopes and vision for a better world and a more peaceful future.

The memorial features a circular stone wall surrounding three stone fountains, all highlighted by gardens planted and maintained by volunteers. The stones represent strength; the circular shape of the wall symbolizes Earth and the “circle of life.” There are four openings in the wall, one for each compass point — a gesture of welcome to all corners of the world. The three fountains connote the three sites of the terrorist attacks, while the small stones over which the water bubbles represent the people affected by the 9/11 tragedy. These small stones were placed in the fountains during a community dedication ceremony.

The memorial webpages can be viewed from the Sanfordville Elementary School homepage, or by following this link directly: Sanfordville Circle of Peace/Peace Wall Memorial.  



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