Pine Islanders get persuasive with latest writing unit


Pine Islanders get persuasive with latest writing unit

June 2, 2021

Ms. Aimee Urvater’s kindergarten class recently wrapped up their latest writing unit with a project on persuasive writing.

Students were asked to share their opinions on a certain subject – in this case, their favorite seasons – with the intent of convincing their readers and listeners to adopt their viewpoint.

“We’ve been learning about the different seasons all year, so this was a great way to work that into our workshop unit on persuasive writing,” said Ms. Urvater. “Each student thought about the reasons why they love a particular season, and chose two ways to express their detailed opinions to others.”

The students learned about persuasive language and discovered that there are many styles of writing someone can use to share their thoughts and beliefs. Some of those methods include letter writing, creating petitions, making signs, and even songwriting.

Wondering which season had the most advocates? Summer put in a strong showing, thanks to a widely held appreciation for the beach and pool parties. Winter received its share of support as well, thanks to the appeal of hot cocoa and snowmen.  

“The students were eager to share their opinions, and they did it in some very convincing ways,” said Ms. Urvater. “I’m so proud of the great job they did, showing their knowledge of both persuasive writing and the seasons!”

Do you have a favorite season? Still shopping for one? Perhaps the students’ posters and this video will help you choose!



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