Drama Club presents Goldilocks & the 3 Pigs this weekend


Drama Club presents Goldilocks & the 3 Pigs this weekend

October 31, 2022

Three shows in two days -> Friday, Nov. 4 & Saturday, Nov. 5.

The action in this playful romp begins with Goldilocks dashing into the house of the three Chop brothers. Yes, these are the same three pigs who lost two of their houses to the Wolf, and they’re still emotionally scarred from the incident. With the help of their friendly neighbors, the Squeal sisters, they help Goldilocks hide from the witch who’s chasing her. But when the witch puts a spell on Goldi, forcing her to stay in the house, the pig sisters leave on a mission to find a potion that can act as a spell remover. Toss into this hilarious fractured fairy tale the Big Bad Wolf, his French weasel friend Oui Oui, two very different witches, and one very confused (and somewhat snooty) storyteller, and watch the mayhem that ensues! Mix in a classic chase scene and a little bit of a moral, and the end is a delightful take on a couple of old storybook standbys full of energy and enough humor and adventure for children of all ages!

Goldilocks and the Three Pigs will be performed on Friday, November 4 at 7:00 pm, and Saturday November 5 at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm. Tickets are $10 general admission and $8 for children 10 and under and senior citizens. There are no advance ticket sales for this production; tickets can be purchased at the door beginning 45 minutes before each curtain time.

Please note the show will begin promptly at the posted time. For information, please contact the Drama Club at wvhsdramaclub@wvcsd.org.





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