District Voters Overwhelmingly Approve 2021 Capital Improvement Project


District Voters Overwhelmingly Approve 2021 Capital Improvement Project

December 2, 2021

Warwick Valley Central School District voters passed the 2021 Capital Project by a certified final total of 897 to 295 (75.25% approval) on Thursday, December 2nd.

The $13.8 million 2021 Capital Project was developed through a process of careful internal analysis by the District’s administration and the District’s Facilities Committee, and community input. It addresses infrastructure needs in four schools – Park Avenue Elementary School, Sanfordville Elementary School, Warwick Valley Middle School, and Warwick Valley High School. The Capital Project was designed to create a healthier, safer learning environment for students, faculty, and staff; and to deliver valuable energy and operational savings in the future.

“We are grateful for the community’s support of this Capital Project,” said Superintendent Dr. David Leach. “It is one of the highest approval ratings on record for a capital project and I would like to thank everyone for their support. The important upgrades and vital renovations that we have planned will benefit our students, staff and the community now and for years to come.”

The WVCSD 2021 Capital Project will be implemented with no additional tax impact to District residents. The District plans capital project spending using existing capital reserves and maximizing state building aid. The Warwick Valley Schools will receive roughly 64 cents in state building aid for every dollar spent on the project, amounting to $8.8 million. The additional $5 million will be drawn from funds in the District’s existing capital reserve.

Voters also approved a second proposition, by a vote of 908-277 (76.62% approval), which created a new $10 million capital reserve fund where savings may be stored by the District for future spending on capital projects (with voter approval). The fund will replace the existing capital reserve fund, which will be depleted once the 2021 Capital Project is paid for.

“The Board of Education would like to thank all of our neighbors who turned out in support of this capital improvement plan,” said Board President Keith Parsons. “Thank you to our District leadership for their efforts in putting this thoughtful, strategic, capital spending plan together. And, thank you to our District Facilities Committee, who worked with the community to put together this plan to provide necessary improvements to our buildings and grounds.”

The details of the WVCSD 2021 Capital Project – including a list of project descriptions and estimated costs – may be found on the District’s website: https://warwickvalleyschools.com/capitalproject2021.


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